What is Doodleback?

A lot of drawing apps let you construct a circle but usually in only one way. They let you copy an object but in only one way or erase but in only one way. But what if you wanted to erase with a star or copy something by rotation? Doodleback’s philosophy is that how you’re able to construct things is almost as important as what you can construct. Being able to precisely place objects at the moment of their creation simplifies many drawings that would otherwise be difficult or almost impossible. You can get it here on Google Play.

Sample Bezier Shape

The Sample Bezier Shape tool is used with the Reshape Side tool. It extracts the relative Bezier point locations from the side of a polygon or segment and allows you to save them in one of the Custom Shape slots. You can then use these saved Bezier point location settings to recreate the shape with the Reshape Side tool as much as you want.


The Bind tool binds together a collection of paths into a single unit which you can then operate on as a whole. You can Move the whole collection, Flip it, or perform any other transformation on it. The paths can be bound together using either a rectangle or a circle by toggling the first Option Button. The Layer Bind option button determines if a normal bind is performed or a layer bind. [Read More]

Flower Path (center first or path first)

The Flower tools (there are two of them) let you “flower” a path around a point. That center point may or may not be on the path itself. A Flower Path is actually a Bind Path created by making multiple copies of an existing path and then rotating them around a center point to evenly spaced positions. The original path becomes part of the Flower Path. There are two ways (and two tools) to construct a Flower Path: By selecting the path to be flowered first and then selecting the center By selecting the center first and then the path. [Read More]

Layer Bind Toggle

The Layer Bind Toggle tool works only on Bind paths and Flower paths (which are actually themselves a kind of Bind path). It allows you to change the layer rendering behavior of the Bind path after the path has already been constructed. When you construct a Bind path you have the option of rendering it using layer binding. If you change your mind later, you could use this tool rather than unbinding the path and redoing the binding. [Read More]

Mark Bind

The Mark Bind tool is a more precise version of the Bind tool. It allows you to select a collection of paths one at a time to be added to a single bound path. After you’ve initiated the binding by touching anywhere on the screen, drag your finger to a Snapping Point of a path and press the Mark Button. The path will be added to the bound collection. Continue this process until you’ve collected all the paths that you wish to bind together. [Read More]


The UnBind tool works on Bind paths and Flower paths (which are actually themselves a kind of Bind path). What it does is sever the connections between the bound paths so that they can again be manipulated independently. There is one important point to keep in mind though. When unbinding you have two options: Breakdown to Next Bind Level Breakdown To Elementary Paths The first option, “Breakdown to Next Bind Level”, will only affect Bind paths that themselves contains other Bind paths. [Read More]

Centers of Triangle

The Centers of Triangle tool allows you to create a Point at four possible “centers” of a triangle. The InCenter which is the point where the three angle bisectors of the triangle intersect. The CircumCenter where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle intersect. The Centroid where the medians of the triangle intersect. The OrthoCenter where the altitudes of the triangle intersect. [Read More]


When paths are created, they have a natural center point. The Recenter tool allows you to reposition that center point. The initial touch selects the path to recenter. After the path is selected, drag your finger to the point of the new center and press the Mark Button to recenter the path. Recentering affects how other tools are applied to the path. For instance, the Rotate tool rotates a path around its center. [Read More]

Restore Natural Center

When a path is constructed, it has a natural center, however this center can be reposition using the Recenter tool. The Natural Recenter tool will restore the path’s natural center. Simply tap the path on one of its snapping points, and if its center has been repositioned previously, it will be restored. See the Recenter tool for why you might want to recenter a path.


Clip Path

The Clip Path tool is used to cut away a section of a path using another path as a stencil for the cut. The initial touch will select the path to be clipped. Keep you finger on the screen, drag it to the desired clipping path, and then press the Mark Button You have two options for clipping: intersection or difference. Intersection will retain the section of the selected path where the two paths (the initial path and the clipping path) intersect. [Read More]