What is Doodleback?

A lot of drawing apps let you construct a circle but usually in only one way. They let you copy an object but in only one way or erase but in only one way. But what if you wanted to erase with a star or copy something by rotation? Doodleback’s philosophy is that how you’re able to construct things is almost as important as what you can construct. Being able to precisely place objects at the moment of their creation simplifies many drawings that would otherwise be difficult or almost impossible. You can get it here on Google Play.

Text (Dynamic)

The Dynamic Size Text tool works the same as the Text tool except for two key differences. First, you can dynamically control the size of the text during construction by dragging your finger nearer or farther from your initial touch point. Second, because dragging your finger during construction changes the font size, you can’t reposition the text during construction. Use the Move tool later if you need to reposition it. Here’s an example. [Read More]

About the Fonts

The “Default”, “Monospace”, “Serif” and “Sans Serif” fonts are standard fonts include with the Android platform. All of the non-standard fonts in Doodleback were created by George Williams and are used in accordance with the SIL Open Font License (OFL) which is included below along with a special note about the “Santa Barbara Streets” font. Thank you, George Williams, for all your hard and beautiful work. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1. [Read More]

Copy In-Place

The Copy in Place tool creates a copy of the selected path but does not allow you to move it. This is actually useful if you don’t want to accidentally shift the copy when using one of the other Transformation tools with the “Create Copy” option enabled. Why would you want to do this? Well, you might want to do something like change the Paint Attributes of the top copy to add what appears to be another paint layer on top of the original path. [Read More]

Flip Across Axis

The Flip Across Axis tool is used to mirror a path across a custom axis. The path will be the mirror image of the original path reflected across the custom axis (the mirror). The initial touch selects the path to flip but this point does not need to be along the mirror. Drag your finger to another point and press the Mark Button This defines one end of the reflecting axis. [Read More]

Flip Horizontally

The Flip Horizontal tool flips a path horizontally using the selected Snapping Point of the path as the pivot point. See also the Flip Vertically tool which works similarly but instead flips the selected path vertically. There is one construction option that can be set before construction begins. On the Transformations tab there’s a checkbox labeled “Create Copy” If this is enabled, a copy of the path will be created. The original path will not be affect in any way. [Read More]

Flip Vertically

The Flip Vertically tool flips a path vertically using the selected Snapping Point of the path as the pivot point. See also the Flip Horizontally tool which works similarly but instead flips the selected path horizontally. There is one construction option that can be set before construction begins. On the Transformations tab there’s a checkbox labeled “Create Copy” If this is enabled, a copy of the path will be created. The original path will not be affect in any way. [Read More]


The Move tool allows you to move a path around the page. It has four movement options free horizontal vertical along vector The first three allow you to relocate the path freely or only in a horizontal or vertical direction. To grab onto a path, you’ll need to touch one of its snapping points. These points vary from path type to path type. For Free Draw paths, you can touch anywhere. [Read More]

Move Through Center

The Move Through Center tool is very similar to the Move tool except that it moves the path along a vector starting at the center of the path and defined by a second using the Mark Button You can achieve the same effect using the Move tool, but you’ll need to know where the center of the path is, select it, and then use the move-by-vector construction option. The Move Through Center tool is a convenience tool that simplifies this process. [Read More]


The Rotate tool allows you to rotate a path around its center point. There is one construction option: the step angle of rotation. This allows you to rotate the path freely or in discrete steps of ½°, 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, 12°, or 15°. The angle of rotation is displayed in the middle of the page. Like the Move tool, you’ll need to grab the path on one of its Snapping Points which vary from path type to path type. [Read More]

Rotate Around Any Point

The Rotate Around Any Point tool is similar to the Rotate tool except that instead of rotating the selected path around its center, it rotates it around any arbitrary point. Your initial touch is that pivot point. From this selected pivot point, drag your finger to the path to rotate and press the Mark Button You can restrict the axis of rotation using the Drag Constraint Button, and like the Rotate tool, you can freely rotate the path or rotate it in discrete steps of ½°, 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, 12°, or 15°. [Read More]